
Rainy weekend blues

My big plans for the weekend have been thwarted by the cold and the rain. I am now in hibernation mode. I shall see you all again in summer as I will not be leaving the house again until it's warm and sunny and lovely.

Lots of lazing in bed, a bbq, braving the rain to see Barksdale Brass @ Blackbear Lodge, and will finally be seeing The Avengers tonight at the movies. (Maybe I'll bake cookies for a sneaky snack).
Sadly I'm taking a "rain check" on the markets for fresh fruit & veges. :(  I was looking forward to the markets so much!!

Here are some things to look at this rainy, snuggly weekend.

I WANT this bear pencil holder from the Tara Hogan Ink+Wit Etsy shop. (Although I think it should be a porcupine)
bear pencil holder

This house is so beautiful - I found it on the Colorful Homes tumblr, I can't tear my eyes away from this blog. I am lusting after this one particular room, I could spend hours just sitting in this room.
 After some more research, I discovered that this is the home of Doug Aitken -
See the whole house and NYTimes article here.
Doug Aitken Home
His home is literally an artwork - "Acid Modernism" video below:

My new favourite shop Sian Keegan on Etsy sells pet portraits, plushy plants and animals. 
How cute would Pommy look as a plushy!?
And here are some pot plants that I would definitely be able to keep alive .
 pet portraits plush plants plush cactus

Introducing the love of my life: Shane Hannan My sweet thang has just started up a music blog: http://shanehannanmusic.blogspot.com.au/ Keep an eye on it for Shane's work, thoughts and inspirations.

On Wednesday I met my good friend Rhianna at her boyfriend's specialty coffee and chocolate cafe, Bunker Coffee, in Milton. I love these vines...and the coffee is deeelicious.
bunker04 bunker02 bunker03 bunker01

I'm brainstorming some food styles and ideas for an illustration I'm working on at the moment. Here is a sneak peak, although I will develop it a lot further hopefully. food01 food02 food03 food04 food05 food08 food07 food06

And then I got carried away with a strawberry pattern strawberry1 strawberry3 strawberry2


Gemma said...

those food illustrations are really charming Emily!

Unknown said...

That pie looks so tasty!

Bec said...

love those strawberries!