
Time management!

All I have to say this weekend is: Time management, time management, time management!!
I need it.  Got any tips?  Especially getting started/ being productive in the morning.
Here are some lighter moments of my weekend:

11 10 12 9 8 7 6 1 5 4 2 14 17 13
Snacks fit for a 4yr old (or 24yr old), tomatoes from my garden, Edward Guglielmino's butt, Coffee tasting at Bunker coffee - with special guests Black coffee, specimens from my garden, sunlit watercolours.

I highly recommend you check out my friend Makoto Koji's new website  and take a look at some of her gorgeous illustration and animation work.

A cool Q&A on Blogging as a career by Cup of Jo blogger Joanna Goddard.

This Thursday the 9th Aug at 8pm a very handsome and talented guy by the name of Shane Hannan is having a gig at the Turnaround Jazz club with the Shane Hannan Quintet.  I have been very excited to listen in on all of the preparation for this gig and I can't wait to hear the final product!

One last thing before I go to bed: Some lovely Typographic pins by The Weekend Edition on Pinterest.

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