
Dreamy rainy night

I'm dreaming of grassy hills in my canoe pod again...

I often like to imagine that I am in a warm safe cocoon/ seed pod /canoe boat. I am all tucked in, with my arms by my side, warm and snuggly in my pod boat. My pod boat is rolling, sliding and gliding over big grassy hills. Its windy and the long grass is making that rustling sound. My pod boat glides down the hills and dips and then rises over the next hill and so on...
It's a really nice relaxing thought... I think about it fairly often.

Well anyway the rain is making me very drowsy while I am trying to write my assignments/research and make tutorials. I would like to sink into a big soft squishy doona.
Here is a little drawing I did a while ago based on my grassy hills...
I just dont think it illustrates it my daydream properly and I will have to make a new one soon! I more imagine laying down in more of a pod and not paddling...

1 comment:

bn said...

la serene meditations d'emily! The last dream I had, I was an Aboriginal guy who befriended my Grandma. Hurrr!? I'm so sorry I've been missing your markets. I wanna pick up a seal-Indian card!! Been loving the recent posts Em. Congratulations on the Macklin website. :D