
Mind mush from Mrs Prussian Blue

Need to work on Mr Lion's hair shadow around ear and fix his face shadow.. bit dark.. but I'm much happier with the mane this time... compared to last time I was trying to do Mr Lion... last year...

Thought Id work on an abstract to clear my mind mush a bit... (still under construction) It is called " I wanna be with you"

Another new one... I'm good at starting paintings... not good at finishing them!

This is getting worse and worse!!!!! since this photo I have pretty much restarted on the pineapple... and fixed the nose... Every time I touch it i screw it up more...

NOT MY PINEAPPLE>.... but I wish it was...
Im feeling a bit blocked. I'm scared to touch my paintings cause every time I touch them I think I make them worse! my pineapple is screwed... I found a great blog today though that had a GREAT pineapple... what does this guy see that I dont?! (above)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

ah wow! your lion man looks so silky. im glad you got to finish him. your other stuff is looking great too, cant wait to see them finished!