
Hard Yaka

Work work work...
Well I'm back on the Mr Lion again... he was looking pretty sad... his face needed a make over... and now he looks a bit like the character alan shore on Boston Legal... haha
but I think he looks proud... which is good. I will just have to try and attack the hair all over again... ahk I dont want to leave him incomplete anyway, needs some resolution. This is a new one painted on an old one... still under construction. Called Blue in Green. It's a Miles Davis song.
I'm feeling like this creature is reasonably completed unless u have some criticism or you think something isnt too readable...
Still working on pomeranians, peonies and pineapples... its all feeling a bit retarded... and its hard to know how far to take a picture sometimes. anyway still under construction. It's not really based on me but I dont have a model so the picture of me and pineapple are for a bit of shadow and fingers referencing. The lips are looking a bit high, however want to avoid making the character look too much like myself. Might need a model!
You might notice how interesting the form of pineapples are... they have these grids all over them. The bottom squares wind around the pineapple in both directions... and so do the leaves... very interesting...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats some nice yakka nelson!i love your little creature. its like a creepy gremlin version of liam. and your lion man looks great too