
Kind of Blue sketches

Hey... these are some sketchy diary concepts for a painting...
I have been listening to a bit of Miles Davis lately... hes kind of calming and moody and mysterious and thoughtful... hmmm
I've been feeling a bit low and listening to his album "Kind of Blue" I like the play on words...
Like the other painting I did based on his "Birth of the Cool"
I havent played the trumpet in a long time either... so this figure is kind of grasping at the air as though they are playing an imaginary trumpet... I want it to be sad... lonely blue figure... with deep dark blue eyes... but I also want it to be cool like miles and kind of mysterious... I think his music is quite lonely and searching... and I want the character to portray this... Emerging from the darkness... yet laying back... waiting... solitary... hmmm...
Anyway these were my two pages of ideas on the train whilst listening to Miles - Kind of Blue - will keep you updated with the painting... hahah and the OTHER paintings...
From Follow through Nelson... (this also has a few meanings...)


Liam said...

very nice... very emilyesque

bn said...

Hey Emily. I like the top center sketch of the moody woman, and the bottom bottom left of the two women who look like they're wearing burqa.

Unknown said...

em, i really like these! i think that you should blow up the one on top left of the second one and make it a print. i think it would look great!