
skater boy

Just a few train sketches... I liked this guy waiting at the train station and then got into drawing people that were peeping behind other people or walls or pillars or chairs etc... the last pic I just included cause I liked the guy in the middles facial expression I see him on the train alot with his bike.


bn said...

Holy smokes - Explosion of Emily art! I really enjoyed all these sketches. The line work is beautiful. The sketches of peoples faces are beautiful too. I always tend to skip the faces so I find this very inspiring.

Liam said...

i love these sketches Emily!! Very nice style!!

Btw - what're you doing on thurs nite? Wanna play poker at our place? Just thought i'd ask.

Unknown said...

hey em! i love being able to see your sketch book, it reminds me of kevins classes when nobody was listening, just doodling.

the sketch of the skater on the top right of the first one is my favourite, its got really nice composition, graphic stuff (like checkers and tiles that work really well) and loosness.