Check out this interview I did with local artist Holly Leonardson, (or otherwise known for her label Pannikin) on the Pannikin Blog: are a few pics that I dug up for the interview...
This is a pic of me when I was little - Painting up a storm

This is my studio - currently in a messy state!

Here is a pic taken of me at the Laneway Festival!
so jealous of your studio space! I would love to have that much room.
Hope you're well emi :)
You've got such a great stock collection now! Yaaaay! LOVE your studio space...I also am jealous as my 'studio space' is me balancing a sketchbook on my lap while sitting on the couch haha
Check out the interview I did too:
I hadn't added it yet!
Haha! It looks to me like you're painting some wickedly abstract and fluid concept art for The Dark Knight. That green mass is Batman's cape. At least that's what I'm seeing. (I'm lying. What I really see is my parents and a unicorn ... I hate them ... I hate them ...)
Love your studio space! Looks fresh and good for the brain.
Thanks for letting me interview you, Emily, it was a treat!
>v< Awesome!!
Emily your studio is so lovely!!
Down here they are so dark so I love the fact yours has heaps of light! ... and plants~!
Can't wait to see the art that comes out of it :)
Plus, Little Em is so cute <3
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