

Compositing is taking alot longer then I thought.
Just organising all of the stop motion files alone has taken ages! I have made projects for each scene and each project has about 10 compositions inside it with all of the compiled frames.
Also am having trouble finishing off little bits and pieces. For example the ants... I have alot of paths already but the files are getting so big that it is too slow to work with. I have been making smaller compositions with only a few ant paths in them and then adding the compositions together... I am trying to fill the whole page with ants!
The "hairs" scene... has all of the wiggling hairs in it, but I have not completed them growing or then crawling down the back, which I will have to make new hair sequences for and export them onto the backs again.
There is so much detailed work to get through!
Also there is so much playing around to do... and it is hard to watch scenes with the music because After Effects doesnt handle music files very well and you have to wait to ram render sections out!! ahh!!

ON a slightly better note...
I have got the ghost walkcycle/dance happening I used the cc light burst on them and it gives a different look to the "hot prickling" scene... it makes them look really shadow like and gives them a feathery edge!! they look very effective overlayed on the curtain.
the faces are looking pretty good scanned in too, I used the cc light burst effect that I used in the "hot prickling" section... and that has given the faces a 3D look and saved alot of work trying to colour them with the cintiq!! I also think it makes them look pretty ghostly! which is good!!
I have also got all of the "flashes" imported and in order, whcih takes up a big chunk of the animatioN! I have played around with a little bit of overlaying here aswell, reusing and overlaying shadow footage.
Slowly chipping away at the animation!!

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